Reward Calculation
The amount of reward a user receives for the past 24 hours in Snaps depends on several factors:
HP status of NFT glasses
Amount of energy collected per day
NFT glasses Rank
Level of NFT glasses
Reward Calculation
Rewards for NFT Glasses = (Health/100)(RewardForRank * (LvlBoostCount))
Where "Health" is the amount of XP you have on your NFT Glasses.
"RewardForRank" is the number of rewards your NFT glasses can generate
"LvlBoostCount" is the level of your NFT glasses which determines the reward per level
The total reward for all NFT glasses:
Total reward for glasses = sum(Reward for NFT glasses)
Total Reward including referral system and energy points (Total Reward):
Total reward = Total reward for all NFT glasses *(1 + daily referral reward) * (Energy/100)
Total account reward:
Total account reward = Total reward + (first referral line rewards * 0.05) + (second referral line rewards * 0.05)
If the user has collected less than 60 energy points per day, his awards vanish. No reward will be given for that day. The minimum amount of energy for a reward is 60 energy points.
Rewards are credited to the user's wallet once every 24 hours between 00:00 UTC and 03:00 UTC
Last updated