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From the first day all users can start monetizing their time in Snaps!
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From the first day all users can start monetizing their time in Snaps!
Last updated
Snaps is a modern WEB 3 project. The team realizes that time is the most valuable resource in WEB 3. Because of that, the project concept is based on the fact that from the first seconds in Snaps any user can start getting his rewards for the time in the app.
Every step you take - even the very first one - will be monetized!
Each user needs NFT glasses to watch or create a video in Snaps. NFT points have their own rank and level. But the very first rank of NFT glasses is enough to start monetizing your time in the app and receive daily rewards for it.
Once you log in to Snaps, you will be able to earn your first free NFT glasses, which will immediately start bringing you money whenever you interact with Snaps.
Everyone's time is worth money! This is undeniable. The ideology of the Snaps project is based on it!